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[자작룡] Platos/우주 파괴의 신



기본 통계/ Basic stats

부화 상태 설명/ Hatching state description

<이 달걀은 수천 개의 우주의 자장가를 흥얼거리고 있습니다>
알 투명한 표면을 통해 Platos의 우주적인 힘이 반짝입니다. 알이 부드럽게 고동치는 동안, 이는 Platos가 대표하는 우주적 파괴와 부활의 잠재력을 상징합니다.


<This egg hums the lullaby of thousand universes>

Hints of Platos cosmic power shimmer through the egg's translucent surface. As the egg pulsates gently, it symbolizes the potential for cosmic destruction and rebirth that Platos represents.


<이 해치는 광대한 우주를 조용히 이동합니다>
호기심 가득하면서도 평온한 마음으로, Platos는 주변 세계를 탐험하며 밤하늘을 목적을 가지고 바라봅니다. Platos의 가장 좋아하는활동은 별자리를 바라보는 것이며, 종종 우주의 별들을 만질 수 있도록 넓은 우주를 여행하며 우주와의 연결을 형성합니다.

<This hatch travels quietly through vast universes>
Curious and serene, Platos explores the world around him, gazing at the night sky with a sense of purpose. Platos' favorite activity is stargazing, and he often travel through the vast universe to touch the stars in the cosmos, forging a connection to the universe.



<이 새끼는 우주 파괴와 창조의 기술을 실천하고 있습니다>
Platos의 새끼 단계에서는 그의 색상이 강렬해지며 우주적인 뿔이 형성되기 시작합니다. 그는 그의 연령을 뛰어넘는 지혜를 풍기며, 현명한 현자의 특성을 나타냅니다. 그는 주로 우주의 천막 아래에서 명상하는 모습으로 발견되며, 내적 우주적 에너지에 접근하며 미래에대비합니다.


<This hatchling practices the art of universe destruction and creation>
Platos' hatchling stage witnesses his colors intensify and his cosmic antlers start to develop. He exudes wisdom beyond his years, embodying the traits of a wise sage. He is usually found meditating beneath the cosmic canopy, where he taps into his inner cosmic energy, preparing himself for the immense responsibilities that lie ahead.


성인/ Adult:


<이 용은 우주의 탄생과 죽음을 관장합니다>
천공의 심판자로서, 그는 무한한 지혜와 요란하지 않는 의무감을 가지고 있습니다. Platos가 어른이 된 이후 가장 좋아하는 활동은 별과은하의 탄생과 죽음을 조율하는 우주적인 파괴와 창조의 의식을 수행하는 것이며, 그의 대표 색상을 방출하면서 우주적 경이의 자취를남깁니다.


<This dragon orchestrates the birth and death of universes>
As the Cosmic Arbiter, Platos possesses boundless wisdom and an unwavering sense of duty. Platos' favorite activity as an adult is to perform the cosmic ritual of destruction and creation, orchestrating the birth and death of stars and galaxies, all while radiating his signature colors, leaving a trail of cosmic wonder in his wake.


04 성장단계/ 04 stages of growth

STORY 【 Platos - Cosmic Arbiter

In the celestial realm of Yutakan, there emerged a dragon like no other – Platos, the Cosmic Arbiter. His form, a harmonious fusion of ethereal white and deep, velvety purples and blues, resembled a mythical deer-dragon, adorned with shimmering constellations that trailed behind him like a celestial cape.


Platos was no ordinary dragon; he was the deity of cosmic destruction, entrusted with the solemn duty of sweeping away the aging cosmos. With each graceful step, he carried the weight of eons on his shoulders, a being born from the very fabric of the universe itself.


His eyes, deep pools of cosmic wisdom, held the knowledge of countless galaxies, and his antler-like horns stretched to the heavens, conducting the symphony of the stars. In his presence, galaxies trembled, and the celestial bodies themselves bowed to his awesome power.


But Platos was not a harbinger of annihilation. He was the catalyst for rebirth. When the universe had reached the zenith of its existence, when stars had burned their final incandescent gasps, Platos would vibrate his sharp antlers and release a cataclysmic burst of energy. The heavens would explode into a kaleidoscope of color, a supernova of creation and destruction.


As the cosmic fires cleared, other godly dragons, the creators of new life forms and universes, would rise from the ashes. They would mold new worlds, breathe life into nascent galaxies, and paint the canvas of existence with their vibrant imaginations.


Platos watched in quiet reverence as his brethren crafted new realms, their artistry giving birth to endless possibilities. He reveled in the intricate dance of existence, a witness to the eternal cycle of creation and destruction.


Platos, the Cosmic Arbiter, the deer-dragon of celestial splendor, continued to roam the astral tapestry, ever vigilant, ever graceful. His story whispered through the galaxies, inspiring many dragons to reach for the stars, to create, to destroy, and to weave the eternal tapestry of existence, just as he did in the timeless dance of Yukatan’s many universes.



스토리 Platos - 우주의 중재자


천공적인 영역인 Yutakan의 심층에서, 그 어떤 것과도 다른 드래곤이 나타났습니다 - Platos, 우주의 심판자. 그의 모습은 하늘의 하얀색과 진한 벨벳 같은 보라색과 파란색의 조화로움을 띠고 있었습니다. 그는 신화적인 사슴 드래곤과 같았으며, 반짝이는 별자리로 장식된 하늘의 망토처럼 그를 따라 이동했습니다.


Platos는 보통의 드래곤이 아니었습니다. 그는 우주적인 파괴의 신이었으며, 노년의 우주를 청소하는 엄숙한 임무를 맡았습니다. 우아한 걸음마다 그는 역사의 무게를 어깨 위에서 지고 있었습니다. 그는 우주의 본질 그 자체에서 탄생한 존재였습니다.


그의 눈은 무한한 우주의 지혜를 담고 있는 심연 같은 눈동자를 가지고 있었으며, 그의 뿔은 하늘을 향해 뻗어 별의 교향곡을 연주했습니다. 그의 존재 속에서는 은하계가 전율하며, 천체들 스스로 그의 놀라운 힘 앞에 무릎을 꿇었습니다.


하지만 Platos는 파멸의 예지자가 아니었습니다. 그는 부활을 위한 촉매제였습니다. 우주가 그 존재의 정점에 도달했을 때, 별들이 최후의 환희스러운 숨을 쉬었을 때, Platos는 날카로운 뿔을 진동시키고 에너지의 대재앙을 풀어냈습니다. 하늘은 다양한 색의 물감으로 폭발하며 창조와 파괴의 초승달로 번졌습니다.


우주적 불길이 소멸하자 다른 신 드래곤들, 새로운 생명 형태와 우주를 창조하는 창조자들, 먼지에서 일어났습니다. 그들은 새로운 세계를 형성하고, 출생 중인 은하에 생명을 불어넣으며, 다양한 상상력으로 존재의 캔버스를 그렸습니다.


Platos는 형제들이 새로운 영역을 만드는 것을 고요한 경배 속에서 지켜봤으며, 그들의 예술이 끝없는 가능성을 탄생시키는 것을 즐겼습니다. 그는 존재의 복잡한 춤에 기뻐하며, 창조와 파괴의 영원한 주기의 목격자였습니다.


Platos, 천공의 심판자, 천공의 영광의 사슴-드래곤, 계속해서 아스트랄의 타피스트리를 돌아다니며, 항상 경계를 느끼며 항상 우아했습니다. 그의 이야기는 은하를 통해 속삭이며, 많은 드래곤들에게 별을 향해 뻗는 영감이 되었으며, 그가 Yutakan의 다양한 우주의 시간을통해 했던 대로 창조하고 파괴하며 영원한 타피스트리를 엮게 하였습니다.


Foxberri의 작은 메모 - Platos 창시자:


안녕하세요 폭스베리입니다~ 플라토스의 이야기를 읽어주셔서 정말 감사드립니다. 한국어에 익숙하지 않기 때문에 한국어로 번역된 일부 텍스트가 잘못된 것처럼 보일 수 있습니다. 잘못된 번역 죄송합니다.. ( ; ω ; )


플라토스가 여러분의 많은 응원과 사랑을 받았으면 좋겠습니다! 그를 만들기 위해 나는 스토리와 아트 모두를 위해 4일 동안 부지런히 작업했습니다. 제가 아직 사용하지 않은 플라톤의 초안과 제가 그리는 그에 대한 재미있는 이야기가 있습니다. 앞으로는 정기적으로 업데이트하도록 노력하겠습니다 (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡


다시한번 응원해주셔서 너무너무 감사드립니다!! *절을 드리다*


Creator note - Foxberri:


Hi it is Foxberri here~ Thank you so much for reading through the story of Platos. Some text translated in Korean may seem wrong, since I am not familiar with Korean. I am sorry for any wrong translation .. ( ; ω ; )


I hope Platos receives a lot of support and love from you all! To create him, I worked diligently for four days on both story and art. I have a draft of Plato that I haven't used yet and an interesting story about him that I'm drawing. I will try to update regularly in the future (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡


Once again, thank you so so much for the support!! *bow down*




 게임 내 별명: AE_Foxberri


댓글 14


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