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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

드래곤빌리지 컬렉션


[Creator Dragon] Iron Spike

My first time entering, I have Google to translate the website/page so if I have done anything wrong please let me know! 


This is an entry for the Creator Dragon event/design competition.


My username in Dragon Village Collection is "GluSniffr".


Iron Spike Creator Dragon Entry:

Body Type: 2.5~3.9m 320/385kg
Food: Ore
Discovery Area/Location: Mountain of Fire
Time of Dicovery: Night, all year around.
Species: Iron Dragon
Element Types: Steel, Dark
Type: Metal Dragon



"This egg bears spiky iron growths."



"This Hatch is full of mischief and cunning. It's iron bands are smooth." 



"This Hatchling's iron bands are growing with it, soon to be adorned with spikes."



"This Dragon is decorated in iron growths. Spiked iron bands gravitate around parts of its body. 

It is mainly found in caves and the underground, they like being in the dark. Their body markings split as they grow to full size, their horns grow longer, and their iron bands become larger. Their strong jaws let them munch on raw ores and rocks they find in the ground.”

댓글 7


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