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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

드래곤빌리지 컬렉션


Wolf Spider dragon 늑대 거미 드래곤

IGN: seirei (East Asia)


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아마도 90%는 이상할 것이다. 하지만 여기 있어요 :)



Species: Wolf Spider Dragon 

Element: Earth

Type: Spider Dragon 

Food: Crickets

Major Discovery Area: Mainly found in forests

Time of Discovery: Found all year round. Mainly appears at night.




종: 늑대 거미 드래곤

요소: 지구

유형: 거미 드래곤


식사: 귀뚜라미

주요 발견 지역: 주로 숲에서 발견됩니다.

발견 시기: 연중 내내 발견됩니다. 주로 밤에 나타납니다.



“The egg is found in an egg sac.”


"알은 알주머니 안에서 발견됩니다."


Dragon book:

The egg is hidden deep within the forest protected by the mother's silk sacs. It is brown with webs wrapped around it. Tamers are advised to approach these eggs with caution. 





“The hatch follows around its mother.”

"알에서 해치한 새끼는 어미를 따라 다닙니다."


Dragon Book:

The hatch has brown fur with dark stripes running across its body. In its early days, the hatch can often be seen riding on the back of its mother, seeking safety and warmth. This close bond allows the mother to protect and guide the hatch as they explore the forest together. As the hatch grows and forms a bond with a Tamer, it exhibits a similar behavior, choosing to ride on the Tamer's shoulder or their back during their adventures. 




“The hatchling starts to explore on its own.”

"해츨링을 시작하여 스스로 탐험을 시작합니다."


Dragon Book:

The wing bones started to develop in the hatchling stage. The hatchling now possesses silk glands on its head. The presence of wing bones allows the hatchling to develop a keen interest in exploring the forest. With its silk glands developed in started to use web patterns to communicate with others.



“The Wolf Spider Dragon is  known for its ability to fly by spinning webs for its own wings. Each individual Wolf Spider Dragon possesses wings with distinct patterns. Despite having wings, they primarily walk and must rely on wind currents for flight.

They often live together in groups and cooperate to hunt for food and care for their hatches. If you encounter a single Wolf Spider Dragon, there are likely others nearby.


The mother Wolf Spider Dragon takes great care in protecting its egg inside an egg sac, ensuring their safety at all times. They also continue to take care the hatch until the hatch are strong enough to explore the world on their own.”



“늑대 거미 드래곤은 스스로 날개를 만들기 위해 거미줄을 돌려 날 수 있는 능력으로 유명합니다. 각각의 늑대 거미 드래곤은 독특한 무늬를 가진 날개를 가지고 있습니다. 날개를 가졌지만, 그들은 주로 걷기를 택하며 비행을 위해서는 바람 기류에 의존해야 합니다.

그들은 종종 집단으로 함께 살며, 먹이를 사냥하고 해치를 돌보기 위해 협력합니다. 단일 늑대 거미 드래곤을 만나면 주변에 다른 개체들이 있을 가능성이 높습니다.


어미 울프 스파이더 드래곤은 알주머니 안에 알을 보호하기 위해 세심한 주의를 기울여 항상 안전을 보장합니다. 그들은 또한 해치가 스스로 세계를 탐험할 수 있을 만큼 강해질 때까지 계속해서 해치를 돌봅니다.”


Dragon Book:

It is now ready to spin its own wings with its strong webs enable it to take to the skies and navigate the forest. It's fully develop silk glands enable them to construct complex web patterns to communicate and hunt.


 The mother can often be seen carrying an egg sac, carefully protecting her egg until they are ready to hatch.




“Sticky love”



The wolf spider dragon cozied up to its Tamer, enveloping them both in its silky wings. In the wild, wolf spider dragons thrived in packs, each with their own tasks. But when one was raised by a Tamer, things got a little tangled.


Instead of working together, it decided to let its Tamer handle those tasks. It was as if it had found a personal assistant. It became the Tamer's constant, inseparable shadow, following the Tamer around with a look that said, 'You've got this, right?'


As it grew into an adult, it never quite grasped the idea that it should be self-sufficient. It clung to its Tamer, savoring all the attention it could get. It was like having a giant baby around all the time. Its independence faded into an affectionate, sticky love that was simply irresistible.




Thank you for viewing and liking~ 



 (@o@) Ack…So many cool, cute and interesting dragons are everywhere…there is no chance in winning hahaha…

I will just join for fun then (=w=)



댓글 11


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