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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Tenebris Dragon (Latin for darkness

User is; Kacchan With a capital K 

Dragon Name; Tenebris


Version 2 of Tenebris Only for Adult Form

Open this link for the two documents concerning the description and lore of the dragon I have created;


Some other things;


Average size; 200 ft long, 100 ft tall


Food; Tainted and Corrupt souls and living beings


Where it Appears; Near its Abandoned home or abandoned laboratory on the planet Vorcox.


When It Appears; Around nighttime 


Element; Is dark and/or fairy or  Earth


Category; Soul Eater, Corrupted




  • - Females don't have neck and back spines
  • -They don't have the extra tuft of fur on their ears
  • - Their eyes are pink
  • - Their back paws are black
  • - Their nose and inside their ears are pink
  • (For the second version apply these traits except the eyes, ears, nose, back paws, stomach spines and arm spines)
  • Male;
  • - Yellow eyes
  • - Back spines and neck spines
  • - No belly or arm spines
  • - back paws are white
  • - has ear tufts
  • - eyes are yellow
  • - Inside their ears are orange and their nose is orange
  • (For the second version apply these traits except the eyes, ears, nose, back paws, stomach spines and arm spines)
  • Color Palette
  • ---------------------------------------------------------


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