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[자작룡] ラベンデル.라벤델.Lavendel





•This egg is floating in a teacup.

 An egg is floating in a teacup. There is plenty of tea in a cup and it's warm.

The eggs can be removed for a short while, but if the teacup breaks or the tea runs out, they will stop hatching. Therefore, tamers must check the tea frequently. When tamers add tea or replace the tea with new tea, the eggs will be happy to bobbing up and down. Especially when the tamer makes its own tea, the eggs grow faster.





•This hatch sleeps well on the ring.
 Lavendel sleeps with flowers laid on the ring.

Lavendel has been with the ring since it was hatched. Because the ring is made of a mysterious material, it cannot be damaged. As Lavendel grows, the ring grows as well. The ring also has a mysterious power. In the hatch stage, the ring protects Lavendel from danger, although Lavendel is often asleep.




•This hatching strongly attracted to flowers

 Lavendel loves flowers and begin to grow own flowers. Lavendel visits various places and collects many flowers. Lavendel often seen depressed when they do not grow well at first. Lavendel also becomes interested in tea and imitates tamer to make tea. When the tamer touches the flowers grown by Lavendel, it feels a slight warmth.





•Lavendel has a tea party with tamer.

 Lavendel loves having tea party with tamer.

The flowers that Lavendel grows are imbued with Lavendel's power, and at the tea party, Lavendel brews tamer a cup of tea with flower petals floating on it. When tamer drinks the tea with the petals floating on it, tamer's troubles are disappeared. If tamer talk to Lavendel about worry, Lavendel will choose the right flowers for tamer. Lavendel wants the world to be rid of fatigue, sadness, and suffering, and Lavendel keeps looking for new flowers.



















"Tamer, come have a tea party with me! I found a nice tea today!"


Lavendel's wish was that the world would be free of worries. Confident in it kindness, Lavendel thought it could achieve that wish if it worked harder than anyone else.

However, it learned that there is a limit to what one dragon can do alone.


Lavendel clearly remembers when it was unable to do anything itself as an egg, when it was weak as a newly hatched, Lavendel's tamer was always by its side and raised with grate care.

It was not only kindness, but also love.

That is why Lavendell wished to give back to tamer the happiness it had received from tamer.


"If you have any problems, please feel free to talk to me! Your happiness is my happiness."


It's a well-known story that when people drink tea prepared by Lavendel, their troubles are disappeared.

Lavendel put the power into the flowers with the hope that Lavendel's loved ones to be happy. That is not only kindness, but also love for the tamer.


"Enjoy the delicious taste!"





Lavendel has four ears.(wolf? and pretty lop-eared) Males have longer back horns. There are two diamond patterns around the neck from the sides and one on the back.






food: はちみつ入りの紅茶/ Tea with honey

Discovery Area: 花が咲き乱れる高原/ Plateau full of flowers

Discovery Time: 晴れた日の明け方によく見つかる。/ Often found at dawn on sunny days.

Type: お茶会ドラゴン/tea party dragon

属性: 風・光/Wind・Light




일본인 플레이어입니다. 자신이 좋아하는 것을 채워 넣었습니다.(^∇^)


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