Snapdragon (Created by Omirus)
This Egg is stirring with the sound of a million whispers.
The Snapdragon egg hides away in deep forests, unable to be spotted easily. Only noticable by the chorus of soft whispers vibrating off the eggs shell.
This dragon is connected to a single mind.
A Snapdragon hatch is deeply connected to it's entire species, almost like roots, connecting ann Snapdragons to one mind. The Snapdragon is very hungry, almost always hungry for any insect or small animal that my come around.
This dragon is connected to a single mind.
The Snapdragon begins to grow a longer, slimmer neck. It's hunger seems to never be saved by a single meal. It is driven by instinct only and is very aggressive. At this stage, a hatchling Snapdragon begins to give off a sweet smelling scent, yet much less strong than its adult counterpart.
This dragon is connected to a single mind.
A fully grown Snapdragon spends half of it's time basking in the sun's rays, and the other half snapping up small insects and pests that may travel in its domain. A fully grown Snapdragon gives off a sweet honey-like scent which attracts wandering prey. This is useful since adult Snapdragons rarely move.