~ this egg has a mysterious aura~
Female Hatch
~Amphi is carrying an orb~
Male hatch
~ Amphi is carrying an orb~
Female hatchling
~ The orb releases a mysterious aura around amphi~
Male hatchling
~The orb releases a mysterious aura around amphi
Female adult
Male adult
Story: Amphi was a creature hidden inside this egg like orb with a mysterious colorfull aura, he got released one day and hatched in a pretty dragon bird creature,while holding a mysterious orb as a hatch, it releases the aura making it grow and get stronger, amphi loves to fly around in the sky while exploring the world, when in danger it protects itself by its mysterious magic powers that are yet unknown to others,beside the floating orbs that can swallow things up while protecting itself, amphi protects this orb with a strange white marking, suprisingly no one has found out where the egg like orbs came from, or if its a dangerous being or not? guess one way to find out..
Made By ( Xanther )
hope you enjoy my second drawing ♡
of my Amphi creature..♡