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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Steel-Heart Dragon

Steel-Heart Dragon 


Size: 4m/400kg

Food: Radiation (it's nuclear)

Habitat: Found in temples of heaven.

Season: Visible during all seasons, especially on Valentine's Day.

Element: Light and steel




"This steel-like egg has a pair of crimson wings." 


A gorgeous blueish steel like with crimson horns and wings, this egg is the Steel-heart Dragon, and its core hides its own crimson heart, that has counsiousnes on its own.




"It's a little shy dragon, it prefers being all alone instead of with other beings."


When it grows, the Steel-heart Dragon leaves its crimson heart to be free and wander around it, they have a strong bond, since the dragon is very shy with other dragons an tamers.




"This hatchling is rebellious and it doesn't hear its crimson heart sayings."


The Steel-heart Dragon wants to be free, it's tired of hearing the nonstop complaints that come from its own crimson heart, he was made to bring love and to be very sociable and extroverted, but its Steel-heart don't get past those expectations, and that frustrates both of them.




"Steel-heart dragon is over with its crimson heart, it would eat its own heart if it could."


You must not get all attracted to its cute appearance and sweet colors, it began to be a combat dragon long ago, he doesn't like to be left with other dragons, unless those dragons are their own kind. Although of that, he likes to (sometimes) bring happiness to shy hatches and kids like it was in the past.




They say that a long time ago, in the earth there was a very smart and rich tamer, who dedicated his time and fortune to helping eggs, hatches and hatchlings from the shelter.


This tamer, one day, found an unknown dragon's egg that was abandoned a long time ago. Over the egg's shell, there was a little friar baby dragon that looked like it could die any moment.


The tamer didn't want it to die, because he was first sight attached to the little one, so he took it to care and heal it, but unfortunately, the future didn't look very bright for this dragon, nothing appeared to help it recover, so he didn't have any other option than upgrading the dragon's body with technology, in hope that it would save it.


He would transform the little dragon into a cyborg, covering its body with robotic parts, but with its counsiousnes maintaining its biological nature.


This tamer spent all his money in developing the necessary technology to help this little dragon, and he made it, the dragon's body became all metallic, and as a last gift, the tamer gave the crimson heart, to help it and guide it to making good things when it grew, and the little dragon became an egg again, with the crimson heart now inside its core, becoming a new species egg, with crimson horns and wings.


After seeing it's plan to succeed, the tamer became to save more and more eggs and hatches that were weak or hurt, to help them. The majority of those dragons were helped in the right time, and succeeded in their recovery, while the weakest ones were all transformed into cyborgs and like that little first cyborg dragon, they all became new eggs and sealed themselves, maintained in an ever lasting dream.


The tamer's plan was to let them go on other parts of the earth, so they could help other dragons and humans, like the tamer once did himself. He wanted them to grow up when he died, and so it was. When the tamer died, the eggs were all set free and they grew up, succeeding in their task, except of the Steel-heart Dragon, that surprisingly, was that one little dragon, the first cyborg of all.


In-game Conceptual sketch


This dragon has the 4 phases and it would be (preferably) a flying dragon. The female version would be the one with the differences, because it has closed eyes (male has them opened) and the torso is thinner than the male, but both (male and female) are always accompanied by the crimson heart in all the growing phases except the eggs.


♡I hope you all like the dragon, and there's no problem if you want to make some changes on its color pallet or design. ;3♡



Pfp dragon:


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