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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트



                                                                     The egg is empowered by the Zodiac.

Dragon Name: Zodia

Element: Dream



Is it a firework? a comet? Or a lightening? 
The answer is always no one knows. 
Zodia soaring in space with an unbelievable speed every day.
Does it have any purpose? 
I don't think so.
It just likes to travel anywhere and see every beautiful scenery.
Next time you see a shooting star, look at it carefully. 
Maybe it's not a star.


##Special ideas: 

If you breed this dragon with another dragon that has Water, Fire, Air(Wind), Earth elements. 
You can get a Star Sign dragon with relevant elements.


For examples:


Zodiagon + Fire Element Dragon => Aries(Aries), Leo(Leo), or Sagitta(Sagittarius)
Zodiagon + Water Element Dragon => Cance(Cancer), Scorpy(Scorpio), Pisces(Pisces) 
Zodiagon + Earth Element Dragon => Taurus(Taurus), Virgo(Virgo), or Caprio(Capricorn) 
Zodiagon + Wind Element Dragon => Gemini(Gemini), Libra(Libra), or Aquarias(Aquarius)

And if you breed Zodiagon with a Dream Element dragon there will be a rare probability of getting a 
Ophichus (Ophiuchus)


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