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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Crow Dragons!

Crow Dragons!



Scientific Name: Corvus Amica

Average Body Shape: 4.1~5.0 ft/ 550~600kg

Food: Bird Berries

Location: Thorn Tree Forest

Main Discovery Area: Deep forests with many birds.

Time of Discovery: Mainly found at night.


Species: Crow Dragons

Element: Dark, Wind

Type: Bird Dragon





This egg is protected by crows. The crows will build a nest and perch on the eggs antlers.




This hatch plays with crows. It also is learning the language of the crows. But it isn't very good at communicating with them yet.



This hatchling speaks to crows. It has mastered crow language and talks to them when it's bored.




This dragon has a strong bond with crows.


It provides shelter and protection to the crows by letting them perch on its antlers. In return, the crows give the dragon food, treasures, and alert it of enemies.



{The Crow Chick}


Crow Dragon growled, the loud chirping of a chick came from a bush. Crow Dragon rose to it's paws, it approached the bush and looked inside.


A tiny, frail, chick cried in the bush, it had fallen out of its nest! Crow Dragon scooped it up, it began looking for the nest.


No matter how hard it looked it could not find the nest. It began to gather twigs, grass, and soft materials and made a nest. It placed the chick inside.


Over several months the Crow Dragon nursed the chick back to health and the chick began to grow flight feathers.


One day the chick approached its caretaker.

“Crow Dragon, I think it's time for me to leave.” The young crow chirped sadly.

Crow Dragon sighed and looked to the ground.

“You are right, your feathers and wings have fully grown.”


The crow took off and flew into the distance until it was just a black dot in the horizon.

“Goodbye!” Crow Dragon called. They sounded happy but began to cry, but they knew the crow would live a good life.


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