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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트





| Average Body Shape :   23~30m / 90,718.5 – 108,862 kg

| Food : star candy 

| Main Discovery Area : Found above the clouds.

| Time of Discovery : Found all year round. Mainly appears when the sky is clear.


                  Element Type               



     Dream, Water

Whale Dragon





Inside this luminous cradle, the Aetherius stirs, its essence infused with the tranquility of the skies and the depth of the seas. The egg's radiant shell ensures that the fledgling dragon absorbs the virtues of reflection and insight, preparing it to understand its dual role in the great expanse—alone but forever connected, solitary but ever part of the greater whole.


When the time comes, the mirrorgleam egg dissolves into a cascade of light and mist, revealing the young Aetherius, ready to embark on its journey through the realms of air and water, carrying with it the lore of its mystical origin.





Born from the mirrorgleam egg, a singular marvel of the Celestial Sea, the whale dragon, known as Aetherius, emerges into the cosmos as a diminutive yet spirited being. Its silvery scales hold the soft glow of starlight, and its eyes, deep and knowing, mirror the vastness of the sky from which it was sung into existence.






As the Aetherius grows, it undergoes a magnificent transformation, each stage marked by a deepening of its connection to the Celestial Sea and its creatures. The juveniles, with their playful eyes and tiny wings, travel in pods, learning the art of companionship and the value of individuality. They swim through the clouds like schools of fish, their laughter resonating like melodic echoes across the heavens.







Recognized by their majestic wings and gentle eyes, the Aetherius are  the embodiment of solidarity. Each Aetherius chooses a part of the sky to guard, a realm where they watch over the myriad creatures that traverse the endless blue. Despite their solitary roles, they remain telepathically linked to their kin, sharing insights and wisdom across the miles of sky and sea. This connection is a sacred bond, unseen but as real as the wind that fills their starry wings.


At twilight, when the stars begin to emerge, the Aetherius ascend to the highest peaks of the Celestial Sea, their silhouettes etched against the fading light. Here, in the quietude of the heavens, they commune with the stars, reflecting on the day's solitude and the strength they draw from their silent kinship.




Thank you for reading~!

댓글 2


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