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Reindeer Dragon

[Creator Dragon] Reindeer Dragon

Hello everyone! I'm Drakoniza on Europe server (english channel 1). I wanted to try out the Creator Dragon contest, I hope you like it!



,,This Egg is being mocked”

It’s an egg that you often find in winter on snowy days in a Reindeer Dragon herd. You can see it
clearly as its nose shines bright red. Unfortunately, other creatures find the nose hilarious and make

fun of the dragon.


,,This Hatch’s nose shines bright red”

The Reindeer Dragon has yet to learn to control its nose ability. The nose shines so
bright that it illuminates the darkest corners in the night.


,,This Hatchling is looking for friends”

After it grows more, the dragon is often looking for some company. This is not an
easy task as many creatures turn away, because they find the red nose annoying or
disgustingly bright.


,,It’s a Reindeer Dragon, who enjoys to help out kind creatures or just eat some grass in the field”

An Adult Reindeer Dragon will have found itself a home at its final stage. It is
good in travelling and will always carry its tamer on his back through day and
night, while brighten up dark places with its nose.


Reindeer Dragons are herd creatures and like to grass at night. They are careful animals and always check for any danger in their surrounding. Young dragons are born with this trait and don’t easily trust any strangers, but once tamed, they help tamers to travel in winter, as they are hardy creatures and can gallop very fast, as well as fly through the skies.

There are not many Reindeer Dragons, who are born with a shiny red nose, but these additionally brighten up dark areas, while running or soaring.


Red Light

Once upon a time, a Reindeer Dragon mother bared a child with a shiny red nose. This scared the Reindeer Dragon herd so much that the leader had to ask the dragon, to either abandon her child or leaver the herd with it. It was not a simple choice to make, as lonely Reindeer Dragons are an easy prey for dangerous hunters, but her heart could not bear to leave her baby alone in the wild. So, they left the herd and travelled across the lands in search of a safe place for them to live.

As time passed the child grew up and eventually learned to control the nose. Whenever it needed, the nose wold shine bright red. In other times, his nose looked like any other Reindeer Dragon's nose.

One foggy night, the stumbled across a strange dragon with a white beard, who had lost his way home in the dark.


,,Please help me", he begged, ,,I was heading home, when it suddenly got so foggy and dark. Now, I don't even know where I am."


,,I will help you", the Reindeer Dragon with the red nose replied, ,, Follow me, and we will get you home in no time!"


That night his nose shone so bright that the fog and the dark disappeared. The mysterious creature was astonished! Never had he seen such red bright light that would even lighten up the way in the fog. Together they carefully walked back home. The mother was very proud of her child and the strange dragon thanked them again.


,,I have an offer for you", he continued, ,,If you have nowhere to go, why don't you stay with me? I would be happy to have some company.. and I am sure I will need your help again."


The Reindeer Dragon were so delighted that they jumped and laughed. At last! They had found a safe home to be loved and cared for the rest of their lives.

Average body shape: 1-3m / 100-500kg
Food: Grass
Main discovery area: In grass areas.
Time of Discovery: Found in winter.
Species: Reindeer Dragon
Element Type: Earth/Light
Type: Kirin/Drake Dragon

Brown/Black/White with red collar – male (here: white variant not presented, please imagine it >~<)
Brown/Black/White with green collar – female (here: green collar not presented, please imagine it >~<)


I thought about a white coloured Reindeer dragon. It would probably look analogue to the brown and black one, only the fur would be white.


When breeding two brown deer, you get the black variant.

When breeding two black deer, you get the white variant.

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