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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트





this is dragon kinto the egg i wish to be found in Evria  or sky tempe

Kinto got his name after anime Dragon ball.The cloud that Goku rides its name is Kinto so i got inspiration from that and also the color of cloud . The hatchling of Kinto dragon had ability to fly but when he get older he loosed that abillity cause of sacrificing its  ability to fly for other dragon to help him get his wish to fly on another planet . The Kinto Dragon wasnt so sad about that it was actually happy Kinto is kind Dragon . After that time passed he used to walk but one day it got past the Big white stone with round doors , Kinto entered and saw some yellow stuff that looked like clouds, Kinto hooped on that clouds and it colud fly he felt easy again he chopped some of cloud end flyed away . when Kinto flyed the lik bird in that white stone appeared and told himsefl that its miracle cause only kind hearted Dragons can use that clouds.


Kinto enjoyed the new cloud and caouse it colud fly again  .


That helped Kinto to do more goods on the wolrd  . THE END

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