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드래곤빌리지 컬렉션

글쓰기 브랜드 사이트

Devil Sword Dragon 魔劍龍


Name(名稱): Devil Sword Dragon / 魔劍龍

Average Body Size(平均體型): 2.0~3.0m / 210~450kg

Food(飼料):Steak / 牛排

Found Time:Mainly be found in town near by place of Devil or Monster / 主要可在有魔物惡靈棲息地旁的城鎮發現牠

Areas:Altar of Darkness / 黑暗祭壇

Element Type:Dark / 暗屬性

Species: Sword Dragon / 馭劍龍


Egg:This egg seems to be able to absorb Devil Power. / 這顆蛋似乎能吸收魔力

Hatch:This dragon is inseparable from the Devil sword in its mouth. / 牠與口中的魔劍密不可分

Hatchling:This dragon can use several Devil swords. / 進化後的亞成體可以操作多把魔劍


This is a Devil sword dragon who can use multiple Devil swords with ease to get rid of monsters or devil.

Whenever it gets rid of a monster or devil, it can absorb the magic from it, making its magic more powerful and producing more Devil swords.

It often lives in towns plagued by monsters or devil, and it is possible to coexist with humans by removing devil, and it seems to be the goal of trying to live by enjoying the delicious steaks that people give it.






"After getting rid of the monsters in this area, I can enjoy the highest filet steak in the town, here it is!!"

After reaching an agreement from the humans, the Devil Sword Dragon went to the gathering place of the monsters.

As soon as it arrived at the location, many monsters came forward to greet it with bad intentions because of its disturbance, only to see that after the Devil Sword Dragon used magic power to materialize the devil swords,

Skillfully operate several devil swords, with light and agile movements, dodge and slash monsters.

"I'm always hungry after work!!"

In less than a moment, the monster had been cleared, and the Devil Sword Dragon didn't look very tired and seemed to be relaxed.

Back in the town, it happily receives its remuneration and enjoys the highest quality steak.

"This is DragonLife!!"

The Devil Sword Dragon seems to like this kind of life and has always coexisted like this.












Thank you for reading my art. Hope you will love this^^!!


댓글 2


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