Species: Eel dragon
Element type: Water/dark
Type: Long fish dragon
“This egg likes dark, small spaces”

An egg hidden amidst the coral reef. It sparks the curiosity of the surrounding fish, but sea urchins surround this egg and keep it safe. The egg is slippery to the touch, and it really likes its rocky crib.

Eel dragon is born very hungry and a trickster. It attracts the attention of nearby fish with its colorful fin, then chomps on whichever get too close to its mouth when they least expect. It pretends it is friends with them just to eat them afterward. Its only friends are the sea urchins and other small critters that live inside the little holes in the coral reefs. It likes to hide in dark, small spaces.

Eel dragon has grown too big to fit inside the coral reef, but it loves its home so much that it took a piece of it with it. It feels more confident to leave the water and meet other dragons in the surface. To its surprise, its back have developed a pair of wing-like fins! Eel dragon hopes that it can fly someday.

Fully grown, the eel dragon has conquered both the sea and the land. It has a long, soft body that gently floats above the ground with telekinesis. Its stomach scales are hardy, and it uses them to counter attacks like a shield. Eel dragon likes to ambush other dragons for fun, starting fights and causing a ruckus rather often, especially when trying to steal another dragon's meal.
It has taken the role of coral reef protector, cleaning the waters of any and all polluting substances by absorbing them into its body. Then, this pollution becomes poison in its mouth, which can be used for self-defense and attacking its enemies. Because of the different possible types of pollution that could be present in the water, the antidote needed for each eel dragon also differs.