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[Update] 8/23 (Wed) Update Notice


Greetings, Tamers!

This is the Dragon Village Collection team.


We will be rolling out an update on Wednesday, August 23rd.

Please read the following for more details.




▣ 8/23 (Wed) Update


■ Date

- Estimated Time: 8/23 (Wed) 00:30 - 02:30 (UTC/2 hours)

* Maintenance time may vary according to internal conditions.


■ Details

1. New Exploration Site: [Evria]

 - The special Exploration site, [Evria], is coming your way!

1) Entry Conditions

  - Tamers are allowed to enter Evria only when they have 40 or more Adult Dragon species.

  - Tamers can unlock the gates and enter Evria by consuming 1,000 Cosmic Crystals. The gates can be unlocked only three times a week.
  - The gates to Evria will remain open unless the Tamer obtains an Egg or unlocks the gates themselves.
    Tamers can return whenever they want to obtain an Egg.

 2) Details

  - In Evria, Tamers can meet rare Dragons.

    as well as Dragons that are only obtainable in Evria.
  - The species of the 3 Eggs that appear when opening the gates to Evria are all different.
  - The descriptions for Evria-exclusive Dragons are identical to the original and so cannot be distinguished from Dragons that already existed.
  - Evria-exclusive Dragons are obtained in the form of tradable ‘Egg Boxes’.


3) Cosmic Gate
  - After entering Evria 25 times,
    Tamers are guaranteed entry to the [Cosmic Gate] where they can obtain one of Evria-exclusive Dragons.

  - The Tamer will obtain the Dragon in the form of an ‘Egg’, not an ‘Egg Box’. Those Eggs cannot be traded.

4) Precautions

 - All Gen 1 Dragon species obtained from Evria cannot be traded.
 - Evria-exclusive Dragons (e.g. 'Lunatic', 'Dark') cannot be traded regardless of their generation.
 - Dilis Boxes cannot be used in Evria.

※The Cosmic Quest system for the new Exploration site, Evria, will be updated later on.

    This will allow Tamers to obtain Cosmic Crystals easily and allow entry to Evria become easier.


2. Additions: 15 New Dragons

 - Dark God Dragon

 - Dark Lightning Dragon

 - Snow Frost Dragon

 - Maniacal Power Dragon

 - Jealousy Cupid

 - Gold Applecheek

 - Dark Angel Dragon

 - Haze

 - Purple LIps

 - Petra

 - Zephyros

 - Rekmall

 - Light Darknix

 - Abvalle

 - Magnello

3. Additions: New Personalities

 - 2 new personalities related to Evria will be added.

 - These new personalities only appear on Dragons obtained in Evria.

4. Additions: 3 New Bonds
 1) 2 new special bonds will be added.
  - Meet the [Light Darknix] that can be obtained only through special bonds.
 2) 1 new Yutakan bond will be added.
  ※ The rewards for all 3 new bonds can be reset, just like the bonds for the Card Code Dragons. This allows Tamers to claim the same reward multiple times.

5. New Feature: Guild House

 - A ‘Guild House’ will be added to the square. Tamers that are part of a guild can enter their guild’s exclusive Guild House.

 - Guild Houses are open for guilds that have had 10 or more guildmates.

 - A separate chat function will be made and enabled for those inside the Guild House. 


6. New Feature: ‘Note’ Function for Dragons

 - Tamers can now leave notes to each Dragon.

 - Notes can be added to all Dragons regardless of their evolution status.


7. Improvements on Dragon Nicknames and Length Limits

 - Made improvements so that different accounts can now use the same nickname on their Dragons.

 - The same nickname cannot be used multiple times within the same account.

 - Due to cosmetic issues, the length limit for nicknames will be adjusted from 20 bytes to 14 bytes.

  ※ Nicknames over 14 bytes will stay as they are. The limit for new nicknames is 14 bytes from now on.

8. Creator Dragons
- 2 Creator Dragons will appear in Explorations. 






9. QoL Fixes

 1) Additions: ‘Release’ Button for the Incubator

  - Dragons incubated in the Incubator can now be manually released with the ‘Release’ button. 

 2) Smoother Payment Process for Guest Accounts

  - A pop-up regarding account linking will now show when attempting purchases with a guest account.

 3) Combat Visual Improvements

  - Improved visual effects for Combat.

 4) Improved Ad-Viewing Threshold for New Accounts

  - For new accounts, watching ads will be available only after playing mini games 40 times.

 5) Expanded Coverage for Dragon Filters

  - The newly added filter function will be improved to apply to different content.

 6) Improvements for Server Push Notifications

  - Tamers will only receive notifications related to the server they’re currently in.

 7) Additions: Dragon Book Progress Bar

  - A progress bar will be added so that Tamers can see their collection status according to the species they own.

10. Bug Fixes

 1) Rewards for the quest related to Maloden are distributed as intended according to the gender.

 2) After adoring a Dragon, its Comfort Level will be updated as intended.


11. Other

 1) Translations for Adult Dragon scripts have been added. Check out what they’re talking about in all different languages!
  - We've identified an issue and decided to delay the rollout. We will make sure this gets applied in-game as soon as possible.

 2) A new item, ‘Smoke Grenade’, will be added to Dispatch. 
 3) Mini Game - ‘Avoid Fire!’ will be added.

 4) New Triumphs will be added.





Thank you.





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