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[Game Mode - Rival Series]


1. Basic Information

- Rival Series is an autoplay league mode game where you compete against other users with a lineup made of only Live and Season Cards.

- Same as a regular season, there will be 162 pennant race games, and there will not be a postseason.

> The Beginner grade consists of 24 games.

- The other 29 teams in the league are AI teams generated based on the Rival Series lineup data of other users.

> Rival Series is single-mode content that does not affect the league progress of other users.

> Other users' Rival Series lineup update data is implemented in real time.

- The number of available games recharges by 1 every hour, up to 24 games.

> All available games are played upon selecting Play Ball.

- All games are played in simulation, and tier promotion/stay/demotion will be determined based on the results.

> You will not be demoted from the Bronze league.


① You can view your current grade and rank.

② You can view the reward details and rank rewards.

③ You can view the information of the opponent team for the next round.

④ You can view the entire league schedule, which includes the previous game results.

⑤ Selecting the Play Ball button will use up all available game count.

⑥ You can view the number of games available and the time remaining until the next recharge.

⑦ You can view your current Rival Series lineup, which includes batters, pitchers, and reserve players.

⑧ You can view the lineup's OVR and buff.

⑨ You can view the current standings.


2. Reward Information

- You can earn Points by playing the games and obtain a bonus reward box at a fixed rate.

- You can earn rank rewards based on the final standings of the pennant race.

- You can obtain Workshop Medals used to craft Advanced Crafting Tickets as Platinum and Diamond grade rank rewards.


① You can view your current grade and the obtainable reward box.

② You can view the Points obtainable from a win or loss.

③ You can view the rate at which a reward box can be obtained.

④ You can view the components of the reward boxes per grade.

⑤ You can view the rank rewards based on the final standings.


3. Gameplay Logic

- Rival Series' simulation focuses on shortening the playtime.

- Potential and skills are applied as an overall value that takes the amount of development and skill level into account.


4. Lineup Buff System

- Additional buff effects are applied based on the player roster of the Rival Series lineup.


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