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Write Brand Website



1. Basic Info
- This content enables users to gather and enjoy the game and provides various benefits.
- Up to 20 members can join a club.


2. Creating a Club
- You can create a Club if you're not in one. 500 Stars are required to create a club.
- You can set up the join method and OVR requirement. These can be changed anytime.


3. Joining a Club
- Join Now: Users can instantly join the club if there is space.
- Upon Acceptance: The Club Master must approve the join request.


4. Leaving, Kicking, and Disbanding
- Leave: Club members and Vice Club Masters can leave the club. You cannot join the club for 8 hours after leaving.
- Kick: Club Master and Vice Club Master can kick club members. Club members cannot join the club for 8 hours after being kicked out.
- Disband: Only the Club Master can disband the club. A club cannot be disbanded if it has club members remaining.


5. Club Page
- Club Member

① Check the club info.
② Check the info of club members.
③ Shows the club name and mark.
④ Shows the number of members in the club.
⑤ Shows various details about the club.
⑥ Check the club notice.
⑦ Opens the Club Shop.
⑧ Check club missions.


- Club Admin

① Check the club info.
② Check the info of club members.
③ Move to the club management page.
④ Check the list of join requests.
⑤ Change the club name. Changing the name requires Stars.
⑥ Change the club mark.
⑦ Shows the number of members in the club.
⑧ Shows various details about the club. The club stadium can be changed anytime.
⑨ Post a club notice.
⑩ Modify the join condition and OVR requirement.


6. Club Mission
- Cooperate with club members to complete club missions.
- All club members will get the same rewards when meeting the mission requirements.


7. Club Shop
Use Club Coins to purchase various items.

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