Patch Notice for Cloudscape Isles Related Issues

Flame of the last! The contract with you has been established.
Greetings. This is GM Heimdall of GODS RAID.
We have discovered an issue in the Cloudscape Isles where certain Challenges are being unable to proceed
and have addressed them through a patch scheduled on May 21st at 03:40 (UTC+0).
■ Patch Details
1. Phenomena in which Races required for the Challenges of the Cloudscape Isles are unavailable have been fixed.
■ Patch Schedule: May 21st, 03:40 (UTC+0)
Please note that this patch is non-disruptive to the game,
and the modified content will be immediately applied on restart.
For Contractors who are currently playing the game,
it may be cumbersome but please close the game completely and re-connect to the game.
Thank you.