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GODS RAID Official Community

GODS RAID Official Community

Update Preview for March


Flame of the last! The contract with you has been established.  
Greetings. This is GM Heimdall of the GODS RAID.


The upcoming March update is on its way!  
Here's a sneak peek of what’s coming!


This update will feature a New type of Arena.
Let’s take a quick look at what’s being added and changed in the March update!


[March Update Preview]


✅ Planned Update Date: Expected at the end of March
- Please note that this is the targeted schedule, and it may change during the preparation process. We will provide a more detailed update on the exact date and time the day before the update.


[Update Details]


✅ New Faces
New heroes and gods with unique abilities are joining the battlefield.
Look forward to seeing how they will change the tide of war!



✅ Event Arena
Arena, different from before!
Expect New Enjoyment with Event Arena
where the different system is applied from the Normal/Legendary Arena,


✅ Important Notes
The information provided is not finalized and may be subject to change or deletion during the preparation process.


That concludes the March Update preview!


We'll work hard to prepare based on our goals and bring this exciting update to you in the best way possible.
We appreciate your interest and support for the upcoming update.


Thank you!



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