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GODS RAID Official Community


Update Preview for August


Flame of the last! The contract with you has been established.
Greetings. This is GM Heimdall of the GODS RAID.


In the upcoming August update,
we are preparing to bring you powerful equipment Crafting with divine materials
and a more convenient GODS RAID experience with the Blessing of Demeter, the Goddess of harvest!


Show us your power on the battlefield with the new gear! ⚔


[Notice of Update Preview for August]


✅ Update Schedule: End of August
- Please note that this date is the target schedule and may change during the preparation process.

We will announce the exact update date and time again the day before the update.


[Update Details]


✅ New Crafting Recipes Added
Hephaistos has brought something that will add mystical powers to your equipment.


In this update, you'll be able to craft even more powerful gear using materials imbued with divine power.
Look forward to the powerful new changes coming to the forge!


✅ Combat Feature Enhancements and New Items
1. Demeter's Blessing
The Goddess of Harvest, Demeter, has bestowed her blessings upon you.


With Demeter's Blessing, Campaign Battle time will be reduced,
and you will receive bountiful rewards through the New Combat System.


2. Disappearing of Hourglass of War
With the Blessing of Demeter, no additional resources (besides Energy) will be consumed when conducting Consecutive Campaign Battles.


This new system will reduce the resources required,
making it easier to engage in Consecutive Campaign Battles and push your training further!


* The Hourglass of War will be removed through the August update.
* Any remaining Hourglasses before the update will be compensated/converted into another item. Detailed information will be provided in the update announcement.


✅ World Boss
The World Boss, which was introduced as Beta, will officially launch in the upcoming update.


Rewards will be prepared based on Individual and Clan contributions to subduing the World Boss.
Join a clan in advance and be part of the World Boss takedown!


Link to Clan Recruitment Board


✅ New Faces
New heroes and gods with unique abilities are joining the battlefield. Look forward to seeing how they will change the tide of war!



✅ Mythic Journey
To guide you as you face Nidhogg and forge new Legends,
the gods have prepared new missions.


Clear the Daily Missions and claim the abundant Rewards!


✅ Others
There will be other System Improvements and New Events, so stay tuned for exciting New Updates.


✅ Important Notes
The information provided is not finalized and may be subject to change or deletion during the preparation process.


Did you enjoy August's HOT NEWS🔥?

We appreciate your continued love for GODS RAID and will work hard to ensure the update proceeds smoothly.



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