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GODS RAID Official Community

GODS RAID Official Community


Enhanced Equipment Dismantle Phenomenon Fix and Compensation Notice


Flame of the last! The contract with you has been established.
Greetings. This is GM Heimdall of the GODS RAID.


We have identified a Phenomenon where Gold is not being awarded when Dismantling Enhanced Equipment,
the patch was applied on March 11th at 03:00 (UTC+0) to address this Phenomenon.


We apologize for any inconvenience this Phenomenon may have caused our Contractors.


Currently, when Dismantling Enhanced Equipment,
you will receive all Dismantle Rewards, including gold, as intended.


We have investigated data to provide compensation for the missing gold rewards,
for those who did not receive gold rewards from Dismantling Enhanced Equipment before the Patch.


Please refer to the details below for information regarding the Fix of Phenomena and Compensation.


■ Fix of Phenomena Details
- Phenomenon: Gold is not being awarded when Dismantling Enhanced Equipment has been resolved.


■ Correction Date: 2024.03.11 03:00 (UTC+0)


■ Compensation Details
- Recipients: Contractors who Dismantled Enhanced Equipment before the Patch.
- Compensation: Gold rewards that should have been received when Dismantling Enhanced Equipment.
- We have investigated all relevant data and compensated accordingly. Please note that the amount of gold rewarded may vary for each player due to differences in the number of Dismantling and items Dismantled.
- Distribution Path: Mail
- Valid Period: 2024.03.14 ~ 2024.03.20


We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and confusion caused by this phenomenon, and we will do our best to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.


Thank you.



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