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Ace Fishing: Crew

Ace Fishing: Crew


Developer's Note (v.1.3.0 )


Hello, Anglers!

It's been over a month since Ace Fishing: Crew set sail globally.
We would like to express our gratitude once again to all anglers who have enjoyed Ace Fishing: Crew and provided us with valuable feedback.

Today, we are excited to introduce the details of the v1.3.0 update in this developer note.

For the v1.3.0 update, we have listened to your feedback and suggestions and made improvements to enhance the gameplay environment.

We have reorganized the concept of the story content into stage content to allow you to meet a variety of fish.
In addition, various adjustments have been made, including adjustments in accessory big fish properties and convenience improvements.

The upcoming changes are outlined below and are currently in development.

* Please note that there may be slight differences between the planned content and the actual update content.


1. Accessory Improvements​


Some accessory property values will be increased to provide a sense of achievement in growth and enhance the enjoyment of battles.

The core element of fishing, the big fish bonus property, along with increased ATK, AGI, HP, and DEF properties, will be adjusted upwards to maximize the pleasure of fishing.

We expect this adjustment to provide you with greater satisfaction as the big fish bonus property contributes significantly to the unique fishing enjoyment.


2. Port Screen Improvements​


We have redesigned the main Port screen to make it more intuitive and allow you to easily view various contents at a glance.

The contents are listed in a list format, allowing you to see all contents at a glance and select the desired content.
The progress of your current stage will be displayed on the button, making it easier to track your gameplay progress.

We hope you enjoy the updated harbor screen.


3. "Story" Content Redesign


We heard the voices of the users who wanted to meet a more diverse range of fish as they progressed through the Story.
Understanding the importance of aligning the unique joy and gameplay of fishing with players' expectations, we engaged in discussions to shape our approach.

As a result, we have restructured the progression to introduce a variety of fish as you advance through different stages.
We diversified the species and sizes of fish in each stage and adjusted the appearance rate of big fish and the difficulty of stages to enhance the overall enjoyment.

To provide a more precise direction for the updated content, we transformed the "Story" content into "Stage" content, which involved the removal of the crew members' individual stories.

We understand that players have enjoyed the crew members' stories so far. Still, we deliberated on this decision, intending to present a more focused purpose and direction for players in gameplay.

The Sweep feature has also been revamped to align with the changed content dynamics.

Previously, Sweep required fuel, but now you will be able to sweep using Sweep Tickets for stage content. The Sweep Tickets can be obtainable through Local Fishing.

Our primary goal with this update is to enhance the joy of catching a wide variety of fish and enrich the overall gaming experience for our users.

To ensure that both new and existing users can feel the charm of the game and quickly become immersed in it, we will continue to listen to the voices of our users, carefully review play data, and actively strive to reflect it in improvements.


4. Depart Screen Improvement​

The Ready to Depart screen for stage content (formerly Story content) will be revamped to align with the updated in-game fish placement.

Additionally, we will provide information about boss fish on the Ready to Depart screen.

Information will be presented in a pop-up, allowing users to utilize it as needed.

This enhancement is expected to enable more strategic and efficient strategies for clearing the stages.



5. Fish Tank Improvements​

As users have been able to sell a wider variety of fish at a faster rate at the Market, which has been introduced since the v1.2.0 update,
we've received feedback regarding the convenience of managing fish tank.

As a response, we are currently considering two primary enhancements below to make fish tank management even more convenient.

1. Expansion of Default Fish Tank Capacity: We are exploring expanding the default fish tank capacity, which is currently limited to 200 fish.
This expansion aims to enhance your gameplay experience, particularly in content involving the automatic reel control mode like Local Fishing.
Details regarding the expansion and specific capacity adjustments will be announced in a future update notice.

2. Introduction of Guide and Visual Aids: To prevent confusion and avoid any regrets, such as accidental fish sales, we are working on adding guides and visual aids within the fish tank interface.
We are comparing various design options to create a more intuitive UI showing how each fish can be used.

In addition to these two enhancements, we are considering various ways to improve user convenience in different scenarios, including selling fish within the fish tank.
Through ongoing discussions, we will introduce a range of convenient features to ensure seamless and enjoyable fish tank management.



6. Simple Book & Fish Collection Rewards Addition​

A new system will be introduced to enhance accessibility to new fish and the sense of achievement when catching them.

When you successfully catch a new fish or want to check the fish you've caught while fishing, a pop-up (Simple Book) containing information about the fish collection status in that area will be displayed.
This will allow you to view the status of fish you still need to catch and the rewards you'll get when completing the collection.

The Book completion reward has been added separately from the collection missions in the existing Book.
This way, users can enjoy the thrill of completing the collection by catching all the fish in the area and obtaining rewards.

Additionally, the animation for the collection process has also been improved.


We are hoping that we can bring even more enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment to our users by adding clear collection goals and rewards to the unique feature of Ace Fishing: Crew, 

where you can directly target and catch the fish you want through this update.​


7. Other Improvements​


We're constantly reviewing improvements in various areas to enhance the fishing experience

– from adding more immersive elements to introducing convenient progression features and enhancing user-friendliness for Local Fishing.
We carefully listen to your feedback through different channels to consider how to create an even more satisfying gameplay environment.

Moving forward, we'll continue providing new and enjoyable content while consistently enhancing the convenience for existing users.

We're excited for your support, love, and candid feedback. We will continue to communicate with you through the developer's notes.

Our team is dedicated to ensuring your fishing journey is enjoyable.

Thank you.


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