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Ace Fishing: Crew

Ace Fishing: Crew


Known Issue Notice (Updated on Aug. 16th)

Hello, Anglers.


We'd like to inform you of the currently known issues.
Please find the details below.


■ Known Issue


- An issue where Boat Modification effects are not applied to the defense team during the "Pamos Match" Competition.(Updated on Aug. 16th)
: This issue has been identified and will be fixed in the upcoming v1.2.0 update.


-  An issue with the reset of the Karve's Raid challenge attempts and no daily Storm Event Challenge Tickets being provided to some Anglers​

: The issue has been resolved as of Aug. 10th 10am PDT. The counts for users affected by the error have been reset, and Challenge Tickets have also been sent.

- A display issue with the Gold amount for "Tallied Sales Amount" in the Restaurant
: An issue has been identified where, under specific circumstances upon entering the restaurant, the displayed tallied Gold amount is incorrect, and the Gold acquisition sound effect continues to play.
: The Gold amount will be displayed correctly upon restarting the game. This issue will be resolved through the next Market (build) update.


Please note that the actual amount of Gold received through tally is being correctly applied and provided.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Thank you for your understanding.


Browser Guide

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We recommend using the browsers below for the best experience.

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
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  • Edge

Some functions of the site may be limited due to the service termination of Internet Explorer (IE).


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