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Ace Fishing: Crew

Ace Fishing: Crew


‌Known Issue Notice

Hello, Anglers.


We'd like to inform you of the currently known issues.
Please find the details below.


■ Known Issues

1. An issue in which some users outside the season rankings are displayed in the rankings.

> This is only a display error, and the rankings are currently being recorded correctly. We will resolve this issue as soon as possible to minimize the inconvenience caused.


2. An issue in which the list of friend requests sent disappeared after the Jul. 25th maintenance.

The correction for these issues is currently in progress, and once the fix is made, we will inform you through a separate notice.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused and will do our best to ensure smooth gameplay.


Thank you for your understanding.​

Browser Guide

The community is optimized for the latest browsers.
We recommend using the browsers below for the best experience.

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge

Some functions of the site may be limited due to the service termination of Internet Explorer (IE).


Please select a reason.
기본 메세지 팝업 샘플 입니다.