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Ace Fishing: Crew

Ace Fishing: Crew

[Notice] v2.2.0 Update Notice


Hello, Anglers!

Dive into a new fishing world with Ace Fishing: Crew!


Please read below for more info on the v2.2.0 update.


■ Update Schedule

※ The update schedule will be announced through another notice.

※ The game cannot be accessed from versions lower than [v2.2.0]. Please update the game to the latest version from the market to play.

 ■ Update Special Reward

- Distribution Period

 : After the May 29th update - Jun. 29th 7:59am PDT


- Reward Details

 : Crew Member Draw Ticket x10 + Regular Fuel x100 + Diamond x300

■ Update Details

 [1] New Guild Battle: Total Weight Battle

 - With the official launch of the Guild battle, A new mode, Total Weight Battle, will be added.

 - The Total Weight Battle takes place every Tuesday and Friday. You can enter the Guild Battle by tapping the activated [Guild Battle] button on the Main Screen.

 - The participating members can start the Total Weight Battle at their preferred time, which will last 1 hour.

 - The Guild Time counts down upon participating in the Guild Battle. The competition involves catching 5 fish species. 

 - The Guild's ranking is determined by the total weight of fish caught during the Guild Battle. 

 - If a Guild Member catches multiple Target Fish A, the combined weights of the Target Fish A will contribute to the Guild Score.

 - The total acquired scores of all fish species determine the Guild Battle final rank.

 1) Guild Battle Schedule

 [Biggest Fish Battle] Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday (Total 10 Fish species)

 [Total Weight Battle] Tuesday and Friday (Total 5 Fish species)

 2) Guild Battle Time

 8am - 6am PDT

 * The Guild Battle Calculations will occur as usual after the Guild Battle ends. 

 [2] Improvements to Guild Battle Rank and New Personal Contribution Rewards

 - The Guild Battle season is set to launch concurrently with the official launch of the Guild Battle. In accordance with this, the Grade Rewards will undergo a comprehensive restructuring and revamp.

 - The ranks will be determined by the total points accumulated prior to the update, and these will be adjusted to match the base points of the corresponding rank. For instance, if the total Guild points before the update was 8,000 points, the Guild rank will be adjusted to Platinum 3 after the update, and the Guild Points will be recalibrated to 5,000 points.

 - A Guild Battle Season will run for around 2 months, and before the next Guild Battle starts, the points will be recalibrated to the final rank of the previous season. 

 (e.g., Platinum 3: 5,000 pts. / Gold 3: 2,700 pts. / Silver 3: 1,500 pts. / Bronze 3: 0 pts.)

 - You can view the Guild Battle Rank and their rewards for each Guild Battle (Biggest Fish, Total Weight) in the Rank Info section of the Guild Battle menu.

 -  Guild Battle Personal Rank Reward will be added.

 - The top 3 Guild Members who have made the most contributions to their Guild will receive additional rewards

 - You can view the Personal Contribution rewards for each Guild Battle (Biggest Fish, Total Weight) in the Rank Info section of the Guild Battle menu. 

[3] Addition of Zone D in Boat Renovation

 - Zone D in Boat Renovation will be added.

 - Zone D unlocks after completing the Boat Renovation Zone C. Boat renovation in Zone D consumes Sea Medals or Premium Boat Renovation Tickets.

 - The UI will be improved to allow you to preview the later stages of Boat Renovation even if you haven't completed the previous stage.

 - Finishing renovation on Zone D grants you Meal Effect +10%. Completing each condition grants you a Big Fish Bonus +7%. (Total Big Fish Bonus +21%)


 [4] Improvements to Book Collection Rewards

 - R-Grade Fish Book Collection Reward will be buffed.

 * You are guaranteed to receive Boat Renovation Tickets, Guild Battle Target Soup, and Steamed Big Fish (+30%) from the R-Grade Species Book Reward Box.

 * Please note that the R Grade Fish Book Collection Reward will be changed with the Jun. 12 patch.

 [5] In-game Changes

 1. Changes to Main Title Image

 - The main title image will change to the following image.

 2. Improvements to Stage Mode Rewards

 - Some Stage First Clear Rewards will change.

 * Anglers who have already cleared the stage before the update will receive the updated rewards sent to their Mailbox.


 3.  Improvements to In-Game Control

 - An Auto Reel Control Mode feature will be added. This feature will be available from Stage 1-7.

 - The damage effect in the red zone of the reel (the red area on the right-center pace) will be removed.

 4. Improvements to the Bonus Stats of the Expedition Crew Member of the Month

 - The bonus battle power for the Crew Member of the Month will increase from 8% to 30%. 

 5. New Items and Expansion to Special Meal

 - The following items will be added: Boat Renovation Ticket Piece, Premium Boat Renovatio Ticket Piece, Guild Battle Equipment Box, Guild Battle Crew, and Acquisition Ticket.

 - Collecting 20 Boat Renovation Ticket Pieces or Premium Boat Renovation Ticket Pieces gives you the corresponding Tickets.

 - The number of available special meals will change from 2 to 3. 

[6] Defeat Clipper Boss Event

 [Defeat Clipper] Boss event will take place.

 - Event Period: May 29th 9pm - Jun. 12th 7:59 AM PDT

 - Event Shop Availability: Jun. 19th 7:59 AM PDT

[How to Use] 

 - You can use the exchange shop using the "Clipper Coins" obtained from participating in [Defeat Clipper]. You can also get ranking rewards based on the stage clear scores.

 - 3 Storm Event Challenge Tickets are recharged every day, and you can challenge up to 10 times a day. 

 - Additional Storm Event Challenge Tickets can be obtained through local fishing, and you can obtain up to 7 tickets based on the number of fishing attempts.

 - No tickets are used upon failure, and no score calculation or coin distribution is made.

 - You can participate in the boss event immediately after clearing the tutorial.

 [Event Boss Info]

 [Event Boss Skills]


 - You can use the sweep function once per stage clear per day.

 - Sweep scores are not reflected in the rankings, and coin rewards are based on the highest ranking score received when clearing the stage manually.

 [How to Get Storm Event Challenge Ticket]

 - Up to 7 Storm Event Challenge Tickets can be obtained every day based on the number of fishing attempts in local fishing.

 [Ranking Reward]

 - Defeat Clipper ranking is calculated based on the highest rank score obtained.

 [Event Shop]

 - Clipper Coins can be exchanged for various items in the Event Shop.

"* The event currency in possession will be deleted when the event ends.

 [7] Rate Up Draw Event

- The member of the Girl Group Typhoon Girl, [Jiyoon], will be added as a new crew, and you can use the Rate Up draw to meet her.

 - [Jiyoon]  will not appear from the Crew Member Acquisition Ticket, Legendary Crew Selection Ticket, Guild Battle Crew Acquisition Ticket, and Legendary Crew Acquisition Ticket. She will only appear from the [Pick Up] Rate UP Draw, [Normal] Crew Member Draw, or [Daily] Crew Member Piece Draw.


 - Rate Up Draw Period: May 29th 9pm - Jun. 12th 8:59 PM PDT


 [Crew Benefit]

 - Participating in content with the support crew member [Jiyoon] during the Rate Up period will grant you benefits.

 - Increases acquisition of Clipper Coin by 30%, as this crew member is selected as the event crew for the Defeat Clipper Event.


 - Participate in Expedition as "Crew Member of the Month" to increase the Battle Power by 30%.

 [8] June Consecutive Attendance Event

 - A consecutive attendance event will be held after the server patch. Don't forget to log in for daily rewards during the period.

 - Event Period: May 31st 8am - Jun. 30th 7:50am PDT

 - Consecutive attendance rewards can be obtained only once per account.

 [9] Solar's Lucky Check-In Pass

 - You can get rewards for 14 days by checking in with Solar's Lucky Check-in Pass, and the check-in reward can be collected once per account. 


 - Event Period: May 30th 9am - Jun. 30th 7:59 AM PDT

 [10] New Products

 - New Products will be added to the shop.

Package NameProduct ContentsPurchase Limit &
Sale Period
Storm Event Pack IDiamond x800
Regular Fuel x1,000
Crew Member Draw Ticket x10
Steamed Big Fish (+30%) x20
5 times during the period
May 29th 9pm - Jun. 12th 8:59 PM PDT
Storm Event Pack IIDiamond x2,600
Regular Fuel x3,000
Crew Member Draw Ticket x10
Rate Up Draw Ticket x10
Steamed Big Fish (+30%) x20
May Update Pack IPremium Boat Renovation Ticket x50
Tier 1 Rare Accessory Box (Big Fish) x10
Rate Up Draw Ticket x20
Diamond x1,300
Shard x300,000
Property Change Ticket x5
10 times during the period
May 29th 9pm - Jun. 12th 8:59 PM PDT
May Update Pack IIPremium Boat Renovation Ticket x100
Tier 1 Rare Accessory Box (Big Fish) x25
Rate Up Draw Ticket x50
Diamond x2,600
Shard x700,000
Property Change Ticket x10
May Update Pack IIIPremium Boat Renovation Ticket x200
Tier 1 Rare Accessory Box (Big Fish) x50
Rate Up Draw Ticket x100
Diamond x4,300
Shard x1,500,000
Property Change Ticket x20
Rate Up Crew Value Pack I (Agility)Rate Up Draw Ticket x45
Heroic Crew Member Acquisition Ticket (Agility) x5
Large Level-up Point x20
Gold x1,000,000
10 times during the period
May 29th 9pm - Jun. 12th 8:59 PM PDT
Rate Up Crew Value Pack II (Agility)Rate Up Draw Ticket x100
Heroic Crew Member Acquisition Ticket (Agility) x10
Premium Type Coin Box x30
Large Level-up Point x40
Gold x2,000,000
Crew Member Level-Up PackLarge Level-up Point x250
Gold x20,000,000
10 times during the period
May 29th 9pm - Jun. 12th 8:59 PM PDT
Guild Battle Special PackGuild Battle Target Soup (+50%) x100
Steamed Big Fish (+30%)
Fried Big Fish (+15%) x200
20 times per month
May 29th 9pm - continues
Premium Boat Research PackPremium Boat Renovation Ticket x50
Diamond x4,300
May 29th 9pm - continues
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