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Ace Fishing: Crew

Ace Fishing: Crew


v1.2.0 Update Notice


Hello, Anglers!


Dive into a new fishing world with Ace Fishing: Crew!

We would like to inform you of the upcoming v1.2.0 update.

Please find the details below.

■ Update Schedule

※ Update schedule will be announced through a separate notice.

※ Please note that after the update, you can't access the game in versions older than [v1.2.0]. 

We kindly ask you to update to the latest version from the Market.

■ Update Details


[1] Quick Growth System Added

- A new system that allows you to grow your crew members before fishing in each content has been added.


- You can easily change equipment, grow/awaken your crew members using the Quick Growth System.



- Your available resources will be evenly distributed among three onboard crew members to grow them upon using the Quick Growth. 

* Only checked items will undergo Quick Growth, so please uncheck any items you wish to exclude from the process.



[2] Result Screen Improved

- The fishing result screen has been improved to provide a more intuitive viewing of the outcomes.





[3] Event Boss Mode [Karve's Rage] Content Added

- A new event boss mode, [Karve's Rage], will be open.

  : It will be available after the Aug. 23rd update until Sep. 6th 7:59am PDT.

  : Item exchange at the Event Shop will be available until Sep. 13th 7:59am PDT.


[Event Boss Information]

- You can participate in the [Karve's Rage] event boss mode using [Storm Event Challenge Ticket II].

- [Karve Coins] obtained from [Karve's Raid] will not disappear. Additionally, you can get additional "Karve Coins" by clearing [Karve's Rage].

- New items will be added to the Event Shop. Please note that you cannot re-exchange the items exchanged before the maintenance.

- Tap a Gold product purchasable with Challenge Tickets in the Event Shop to see the quantity of your [Storm Event Challenge Tickets] for [Karve's Raid] event.



[Event Shop]

- New items will be added to the Event Shop. Please note that you cannot re-exchange the items exchanged before the maintenance.

- Newly added Shards, Legendary Crew Member Acquisition Ticket Pieces, Diamonds, and other special items can be exchanged after maintenance.


[4] Draw System Improved


[Rewards Added based on Cumulative Crew Member Draws]

- A system will be added where you can obtain 11 rewards, including a guaranteed Legendary Crew member, upon using the Crew Member Draw cumulatively 200 times.

- We will send out rewards based on the cumulative count of Crew Member Draws from the global launch until the v1.2.0 update.

(Please note the rewards will be sent in order after maintenance by reviewing the data.)

- The cumulative count of Rate-up Draws will be reset when the event ends.


[Rewards by Cumulative Count of Crew Draws]

※ Gold x200,000 and Large Level-up Point x8 will be sent if you have performed Stella Rate-up Draw 20 times and Vivy Rate-up Draw 30 times.

※ The cumulative count of Rate-up Draws will be reset when the event ends. However, Crew Member Draw is available permanently.


[Free Draw Added]

- Daily Free Crew Member & Equipment Draw has been added. It will be reset every day at 8am PDT.



​[Daily Crew Member/Equipment Draw Count UP]

- The Daily Crew Member/Equipment Draw count has been increased by 20, allowing you to draw up to 50 times per day.


[5] Rate-up Crew Member Added

- Fisher [Isabella], the main fishing player of Black Submarines, will be available for the Rate-up Draw.

- Period: After Aug. 23rd update - until Sep. 6th 6pm PDT

[Crew Member Information]


[Crew Member Benefit]

- Playing Expedition and [Karve's Rage] content with fisher [Isabella] during the Rate-up period will grant benefits.

- Expedition: A bonus battle power of 8% will be applied when participating in the Expedition with Isabella, the crew member of the month.

- Event Boss Mode [Karve's Rage]: An additional 30% of Event Coins will be given when participating in the Event Boss Mode with the event crew member.



[6] 7-Day Special Login Event

- 7-Day Special Login Event will celebrate Ace Fishing: Crew's one-month anniversary.

- Log in for 7 days to get "Legendary Crew Member Acquisition Ticket" and various rewards. We hope many of you can participate in the event!

- Event Period: After the Aug. 23rd update - until Sep. 7th 7:59am PDT

* Please note the ongoing [Event Check-in Reward] will end early. Remaining rewards will be sent to those in progress of [Event Check-in Reward] upon logging in after the maintenance. Check your Inbox for the rewards.

(Please note the rewards will be sent in order after maintenance by reviewing the data.)

[7] Daily Challenge Improved

- The first clear reward for Daily Challenges and the number of Skill Coins given by area have been changed.


- Diamond rewards will be given for the first clears in each stage, and with the addition of the first clear rewards, all existing stage clear information will be reset. (Daily Challenge Tickets will also be reset.)

- Only grade A fish can be obtained from Daily Challenges in each stage.

- The higher the area, the more Diamonds and Skill Coins will be given as first clear rewards.


[8] MAX Power-up Limit for Premium/Rare Accessories Changed

- The maximum power-up limits for premium/rare accessories have been changed.

[9] New Products Added

- 6 new products will be added to the General Shop.

- Rate-up Draw Pack I & II and Storm Event Pack I & II will be available again.

[10] Other Improvements

- You can choose Sweep upon watching ads in Daily/Special Challenges.

- The boss now appears immediately when entering the Wild Boss Stage in the Story content, allowing you to fish once.

- The feature to skip dialogue has been added.

- Environmental graphics have been optimized, improving frame rates even on lower-performance devices.

- The animation for Equipment Draws has been enhanced.


Lower than T6



- When using the Auto Reel Control Mode in Local Fishing, a waiting time of 2.5 seconds will be added to the results screen to allow you to choose whether to return to the Port.

[11] Error Fixes

- An issue where the Gold amount for the auto restaurant sales tally was displayed incorrectly has been fixed.

- An issue where the boat renovation stats were not applied to the defense team in Competition has been fixed.

- An issue of tied ranks in the Competition season ranking has been resolved.

- An issue where owned fish did not appear in the fish list at the Market has been fixed.

- Translation errors regarding Boat Renovation Stats for certain languages have been corrected.


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