[Event] Solar's Tuna Can Acquisition Event Notice (Until Sep. 13th)

Hello, Anglers!
Dive into a new fishing world with Ace Fishing: Crew!
We would like to notify you of Solar's Tuna Can Acquisition Event.
You can check out the event from [Menu] - [Notice].

1. Event Period
Aug. 30th 6pm - Sep. 13th 7:59am PDT
2. Event Details and Rewards
Tap on the Tuna Cans and get rewards!
※ Notes
- - Items obtained through the event will be sent to your Inbox when you tap the [Collect] button.
- Achievement rewards can be claimed when you collect a total of 1,500 Cans.
- Event rewards can be claimed until Sep. 17th 7:59am PDT.
Thank you.