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Ace Fishing: Crew

Ace Fishing: Crew


Ace Fishing: Crew Official Forum Ghost Leg Game Event Notice

Hello, Anglers!

Dive into a new fishing world with Ace Fishing: Crew!

We're back with a new forum event for this week!
Let us introduce the "Ghost Leg Game" event.  

1. Event Period
- Aug. 9th 1am - Aug. 16th 7:59am PDT

2. How to Participate

- Enter your CS Code and the leg number you want in the form below.
- Go to the in-game [Menu] - [Settings] - [Account] to check your CS Code.

* Make sure to input the CS Code, not UID, shown in the image above, to be eligible for rewards.


Voting has ended.End
2. Select a Leg

3. Rewards and Distribution Schedule
- Rewards paired with the leg you choose will be given.
- Rewards will be distributed in order after Aug. 21st 2am PDT, and the winners will be announced on the [Winner Announcement] board along with the ghost leg game's results.

4. Notes
- You must enter a valid CS Code to get rewards.
- Event details are subject to change without separate notice.


Comment 17


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