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Scouts are used to recruit players to boost the team OVR. 
Each scout has a unique trait and varies in the list of players that can be obtained.


1. Event Scout
- Preferred Team Support Scout
· A scout is limited to 3 times of use for 7 days after creating a team.
· Each attempt will earn you 10 players; bonus rewards are given according to the number of attempts made.
· Impact and Season/Live Grade B - S players of all teams will appear, and bonus rewards are given according to the number of attempts made.

① Bonus rewards are given according to the number of scouts used.
② Indicates the time remaining. The scout cannot be used when the time expires.


- Pick Up Scout
· A scout that can obtain the Focus player of each team.
· Use Pick Up Scout Tickets or Stars to scout.
· 1 free scout is available in a Pick Up Scout period.
· The Focus player of the selected team will have an increased acquisition rate.
· You can obtain a player in the current Pick Up Scout once you complete pick up scout 160 times.
· Pick Up Scout cumulative rewards will reset and become repeatable after obtaining the final reward.
· Cumulative rewards for all scouts may be changed.

① Check the Focus Players in the current Pick Up Scout and change the selected team.
② The Focus Player of the selected team has an increased acquisition rate.
③ Shows the Pick Up Scout cumulative rewards.
④ Select and acquire a Focus Player as a 150-time cumulative reward. Cumulative rewards can be obtained repeatedly.
⑤ Shows the remaining time of the current Pick Up Scout. The cumulative reward progress will reset when the time expires, and the players that appear from the scout may be changed.


2. Special Scout
- Premium Scout 
· Use Premium Scout Tickets or Stars to scout.
· 1 free scout is available every day.
· Signature, Prime, and Season/LIVE Grade B - S players of all teams, excluding Focus Players (Pick Up Scout), can be obtained.
· Premium Scout cumulative rewards will reset and become repeatable after obtaining the final reward.
· Cumulative rewards for all scouts may be changed.

① Shows the Premium Scout cumulative rewards.
② Shows the remaining time of the current Premium Scout. The cumulative reward progress will reset when the time expires, and the players that appear from the scout may be changed.
③ Cumulative rewards can be obtained repeatedly after collecting the final reward.


- Advanced Scout
· Use Advanced Scout Tickets or Stars to scout.
· Impact and Season/LIVE Grade B - S cards of all teams can be obtained. 
· Using an Advanced Scout 200 times will earn you a Team Selective Signature/Prime Pack. 
· Advanced Scout cumulative rewards will reset and become repeatable after obtaining the final reward.
· Cumulative rewards for all scouts may be changed.

① Shows the Advanced Scout cumulative rewards.
② Shows the remaining time of the current Advanced Scout. The cumulative reward progress will be reset, and the first cumulative reward can be obtained again when the time expires. The players that appear from the scout may be changed.
③ Cumulative rewards that can be obtained when progressing for the first time. After obtaining the first cumulative rewards, repetition rewards can be obtained repeatedly.
④ Shows the repetition rewards. It can be repeated after obtaining the first reward.


3. Standard Scout
- LIVE Scout
· Use LIVE Scout Tickets or Stars to scout.
· Impact and Live Grade B - S cards of all teams can be obtained.


- Normal Scout
· Use Normal Scout Tickets to scout.
· Season/LIVE Grade C - B cards of all teams can be obtained. 

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