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[Menu, UI]


- Main Lobby

① Check the preferred team, team name, and OVR of the active lineup. Tap the team emblem to return to the Profile page.
② Access the chat here.
③ Claim purchases and gifts in the Inbox.
④ Storage keeps player packs and items that you own.
⑤ Keep up to date with news.
⑥ Complete daily/weekly missions to earn rewards in the Play Pass.
⑦ Check achievements and repeat missions and complete them to earn rewards.
⑧ Visit the official community.
⑨ A shop where you can spend currencies to purchase items.
⑩ Player Index provides information on the players and skills obtainable in-game.
⑪ Check in to the game every day for rewards.
⑫ Participate in the Trade Event.
⑬ Scout and recruit players.
⑭ Proceed with Guide Missions that will help you in your early game.
⑮ Check and proceed with various live events.
⑯ Move to the Club menu.
⑰ Opens a selection of various game modes.
⑱ Proceed with individual player development.
⑲ Set up your team's lineups.
⑳ Move to the main lobby.
㉑ A shop where you can purchase various products.
㉒ Loads the quick menu.


- Quick Menu

① Opens a selection of various game modes.
② Scout and recruit players.
③ Set up your team's lineups.
④ Proceed with individual player development.
⑤ A shop where you can purchase various products.
⑥ Check achievements and repeat missions and complete them to earn rewards.
⑦ Check and proceed with various live events.
⑧ Move to the Club menu.
⑨ Complete daily/weekly missions to earn rewards in the Play Pass.
⑩ Check the official game guide.
⑪ Provides various tips.
⑫ Check news, including notices, updates, and more.
⑬ Modify the game settings.
⑭ Proceed with Guide Missions that will help you in your early game.


- Profile

① Change the team name.
② Shows the currently joined club.
③ Change the preferred team.
④ This is your team's level and EXP.
⑤ Shows the team deck score and special deck score.
⑥ This is your battle lineup's OVR.
⑦ This is your battle lineup's batter OVR.
⑧ This is your battle lineup's pitcher OVR.
⑨ Check and change the status message.
⑩ Check the batters in your battle lineup.
⑪ Check the pitchers in your battle lineup.
⑫ Check your team's stats in each game mode.

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