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Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice

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Moment of Decision: Corpse Disposal

Greetings Captains!


We've prepared an event called <Moment of Decision>.

Make a wise decision to get special rewards.


Please read below for more details.


◈ Moment of Decision: Corpse Disposal



▶ Event Period




Mar. 14th 03:00 - Mar. 21th 03:00 PDT (UTC-7)

Mar. 14th 06:00 - Mar. 21th 06:00 EDT (UTC-4)


Mar. 14th 10:00 - Mar. 21th 10:00 GMT (UTC+0)


Mar. 14th 18:00  - Mar. 21th 18:00 PHST (UTC+8) 


▶ How to Participate

① Share your thoughts in the comments on how you would make a decision when confronted with a problem shown in the image.

② Discuss with fellow Captains and share your decision in the comments.


▶ Event Participation Reward



All participants

Selective Building Material Treasure Chest x3

* Participation rewards will be given to all Captains who have commented on the corresponding post, and 

they will be distributed sequentially to your Inbox without separate notice after the event ends.


▶ Event Bonus Reward



Achieve at least 30 cumulative comments on this post.

Shilling x500

*The event rewards will be sent out sequentially to all Captains once the event condition is met.

* Event bonus rewards will be given when the total number of comments made on the post during the event 

period is reached.


※ Note

- Posts that violate forum policies may be deleted without prior notice.

- Event rewards will be distributed to all accounts' mailboxes after the event and upon meeting the event 


   · Event rewards will be stored in the mailbox for 14 days from the login date.

- Event details are subject to change, and we'll inform you of any changes.

- Event rewards will be sent by verifying account information logged in to the official forum. 

- If the official forum login account and the game account you are playing are different, rewards may not be 

sent. So, please make sure to log in to the official forum with the same account used to log in in-game before 

participating in the event.



We can't wait to see what decision you will make.

We hope many of you can participate in the <Moment of Decision> event.


Thank you.

Comment 24


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