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Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice

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Jun. 5th Update Note


Greetings, Captains.


We are here to provide you with details on the Jun. 5th update note.


This update will add an overload feature to certain buildings and a new item "Population Supply."

As mentioned in the pre-notice, this update will also incorporate a currency name change from "Brass" to "Gold" and related content balancing.


Please read below for more details.



◈ Jun. 5th Update Note



■ Additions


▶ Items

- New item "Population Supply" will be added.

 · Population will increase by 2 upon using the item. 

 · Population Supply will be available at the Shop and sold by the HEAT Contact Station Caravan.

 · The price and daily purchase limit of Population Supply are as below.


Purchase Limit



5 per day

Shilling x150

HEAT Contact Station Merchant

2 per day

HEAT Coin x300


- New item "Steak" that stops citizens from escaping will be added.

 · Steak can be produced at the Agriculture Factory and will be sold by the HEAT Contact Station Caravan.


▶ Overload Settings

- An overload feature will be added to the Coal Mine, Greenhouse, Lumberyard, and Iron Mine.

- You can use the Overload Settings to permanently increase a resource production building's production capacity.

- Buildings can be overloaded to up to Lv. 2.

 · Overload Lv. 0 → Lv. 1 requires Steam Core x1.

 · Overload Lv. 1 → Lv. 2 requires Steam Core x2.

 - Increased overload levels are applied permanently.



■ Changes


▶ Items

- "Brass" will change to "Gold," and the cost of related items and the amount available from gameplay will be adjusted.

- The adjustment will apply to content such as:

 · All paid products that contain Brass

 · Cost of all items purchased with Brass

 · Content reward and event reward 

 · Pop-up notifications such as friend invitations

 · Special building construction cost

 * Please refer to [Brass Balance Adjustment Pre-notice] for details on the change ratio.


▶ Building

- The factory names will change as below.

 · Expedition Supplies Factory → Technology Factory

 · Feed Processing Factory → Agriculture Factory

 · Medicine Factory → Medical Factory


- New items will be available for production at the factories below.

 · Technology Factory: Construction - 15 min

 · Agriculture Factory: Steak

 · Medical Factory: Bandage


- The upgrade effect of Refinery / Synthesis Factory / Super Factory will be adjusted.

 · Additional resources will no longer be required as the building level rises. 

 · Resource production amount will increase as below as the building level rises.

Building Lv.

Resource Production Increase




















- Lumberyard appearance will be modified.
- The name of the mini-game “Gold Battle” in the Pub will be changed to “Weigh to Win.”



■ Improvements


▶ Resource Gathering

- You will be able to gather resources around the camp (Coal Pile, Tree, Food Pile) without assigning workers.

- You will be able to gather up to 3 Coal Piles, Trees, and Food Piles at once.


▶ Building

- You will be able to move the location of the Warehouse.

- You will be able to activate resource production facilities (Coal Mine, Greenhouse, Lumberyard, Iron Mine, Resource Base, Refinery, Synthesis Factory, Super Factory) without assigning workers.

- The number of workers needed to activate the Cookhouse will be adjusted to 5.

- The number of workers needed to activate the Trade Base will be adjusted to 10.

 · Cookhouse and Trade Base tutorials will be changed as per the adjustments.


▶ UI Improvement

- The visibility of the menu screen for certain content will be improved.


- The UI of the interior for certain buildings will be improved.


- The UI of pop-up messages in the game will be improved.

- The UI of pop-ups for city and building upgrades will be improved.

- The story selection UI will be improved.



■ Bug Fixes

- An issue where expert Barton's skill effect values displayed in the pop-up screen upon winning an expedition battle are displayed incorrectly will be fixed.

- An issue where building names are displayed incorrectly at certain dwelling levels will be fixed.

- The visibility of the names of component items for certain packages will be improved.

- An issue where certain texts are displayed incorrectly in the upgrade screens for the Refinery and Synthesis Factory will be fixed.

- An issue where certain texts are displayed abnormally when upgrading the Animal Shelter will be fixed.

- An issue where certain texts are displayed abnormally in the Warehouse upgrade result screen will be fixed.

- An issue where the unlock condition for the Manual Gathering feature of certain resources is not being displayed in certain conditions will be fixed.



Here concludes the Jun. 5th update note.


Thank you for playing <Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice>.

We will continue to strive for better service.


Thank you.

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