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Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice

Write Brand Website

Apr. 11th Update Note


Greetings, Captains.

We are here to provide you with details on the Apr. 11th update note.


This update will incorporate balance adjustments for expeditions and city development stages.

Also a new Shilling Shop and a new mission will be added to the game.


Please read below for more details.



◈ Apr. 11th Update Note



■ Additions


▶ Shilling Shop

- [Shilling Shop] where you can purchase items with Shillings will be added to Shop.


- The following items will be available at the [Shilling Shop].

Available Items


Purchase Limit



Core Component x1

3 times / Week


Production Speed Up x1

5 times / Day


Construction Speed Up x1

5 times / Day


Fixed Treasure Chest - 

Warehouse Expansion Material x1

1 time / Week


Fixed Treasure Chest - 

Building Material x1

3 times / Day


Fixed Treasure Chest - 

Craftwork x1

3 times / Day


Wood x200

3 times / Day



▶ Trade Base

- A refresh feature that allows you to refresh the item list at Trade Base using a certain amount of Brass will be added.


▶ Mission

- A new mission will be added.

 · The new mission will be a time attack mission that unlocks during the Camp stage.

 · Collect rewards by clearing the mission within a designated time limit after the mission unlocks.


▶ Plot

- A new plot will be added.

 · The new plot will unlock after the City reaches Lv. 10.

 · Two new passers-by who appear in the new plot will be added.



■ Changes


▶ Expedition

- If the Expedition Team gets severely injured during an expedition, the time required to repair it will increase to 60 seconds from 5 seconds.

- If the Expedition Team gets severely injured during an expedition, the population will decrease by 2.

- Using the compass item will no longer clear fog in previously unlocked and newly unlocked areas.


▶ City Planning Bureau

- The minimum Coal production required to upgrade to the Town stage will be adjusted to 32/min from 35/min.

- The minimum Food production required to upgrade to the Town stage will be adjusted to 30/min from 28/min.

- The minimum population required to upgrade to the Town stage will be adjusted to 80 from 84.

- The minimum population required to upgrade to the Industrial Town stage will be adjusted to 130 from 120.


▶ Others

- The Shop menu will now open immediately after creating an account.



■ Improvements


- Screen transition for entering the Exploration menu will be improved.

- An issue where the required conditions for the city to advance to the next stage in City Planning Bureau can't be cleared will be fixed.

- Interface, font size, and font space in City Planning Bureau will be improved.

- Improvements have been made so that the Items stored in the Warehouse can be viewed with ease.



Here concludes the Apr. 11th update note.

We will continue to strive to provide the best gaming service.


Thank you.

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