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Frostpunk: Beyond the Ice

Write Brand Website

08/13 Update Maintenance Notice(Completed)


Greetings Captains!

An update maintenance is scheduled to be held from 08/13 02:00 PDT.


During the maintenance, game access will be unavailable.

Please refer to the details provided below for further information.


■ Maintenance Schedule




08/13 02:00 - 11:00 PDT (UTC-7)

08/13 05:00 - 14:00 EDT (UTC-4)


08/13 09:00 - 18:00 GMT (UTC+0)


08/13 17:00 - 08/14 02:00 PHST (UTC+8)


■ Maintenance Details

- Incorporation of new features, improvements, and changes

 * For more detailed information about the update, please check the [Update Note] that will be announced later.


▶ Maintenance Compensation

- Compensation: Wood x200, Bed Frame x1, Shilling x400

- Claim Period: After Maintenance - 08/14 11:00 PDT


■ Note

- Game access will be unavailable during maintenance, and any schedule adjustments will be communicated through this notice.

- After the maintenance, you must update the app to the latest version to play the game.

- The update button may appear at different times in the store.

- If the app does not update in the store, please refresh the store and proceed with the download again.

- After the maintenance, additional data download may be required, so we recommend conducting it in a Wi-Fi environment.


We will continue to strive to provide the best game service.


Thank you.

Browser Guide

The community is optimized for the latest browsers.
We recommend using the browsers below for the best experience.

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge

Some functions of the site may be limited due to the service termination of Internet Explorer (IE).


Please select a reason.
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